Liquidity & Deposit Services
Manage your cash while gaining optimal returns with solutions based on your company's needs.

Managing Your Company's Cash Needs
Find options tailored to meet your specific liquidity and growth goals with our checking, savings, CDs and sweep accounts.
Commercial Checking
We offer checking solutions to help you efficiently manage your company's daily finances.
Commercial Checking
Ideal for a high volume of transactions, offering the ability to earn credits to help offset fees.
Commercial Hybrid Checking
Ideal for a high volume of transactions and higher balances, providing the flexibility of a checking account with savings account benefits.
Commercial Savings
We offer flexible savings options designed to help companies grow by putting excess cash to work. The larger the average balance, the higher the interest earned. We offer options to protect your funds with additional FDIC coverage.
Savings and Money Market
Ideal for companies that carry larger excess funds and need easy access to their funds.
Certificates of Deposit
Ideal for companies with excess funds focused on longer term growth goals.
Sweeps and Zero Balance Accounts
Automate to improve cash flow and maximize your excess funds with sweep accounts.
Optimize Funds
Eliminate the need for multiple transfers by automatically investing excess cash each day into an interest bearing account to reduce borrowings and maintain adequate funds for disbursements.
Save Time & Money
Eliminate overdrafts and the need to monitor or anticipate disbursements to initiate borrowing requests or for investment opportunities.
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Commercial Checking
We offer checking solutions to help you efficiently manage your company's daily finances.

Savings, Money Market and Certificates of Deposit
Grow your company with flexible savings options designed to put your excess cash to work. The larger the average balance, the higher the interest earned.

Sweeps & Zero Balance Accounts
Automate to improve cash flow and maximize your excess funds with sweep accounts.
Move funds automatically between your operating account, investment accounts, and lines of credit while maintaining adequate funds for disbursements.