Frequently Asked Questions
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Answers to your
frequently asked questions
My Credit Score And Report
The Credit Score and Report makes its best effort to show you the most relevant information from your credit report. If you think that some of the information is wrong or inaccurate, we encourage you to take advantage of obtaining free credit reports from , and then pursuing with each bureau individually. Each bureau has its own process for correcting inaccurate information, but every user can File a Dispute by clicking on the Dispute link within their Credit Report. However, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau website offers step-by-step instructions on how to contact the bureaus and correct errors.
Yes. After you have enrolled in Credit Score and Report for the first time, changes to your credit profile will be monitored and email alerts sent. You can also find these monitoring alerts within MyJFG.
Yes, you can easily choose which alerts you want to receive. Select the Resources tab and then under Profile Settings choose the email notifications. Credit Score and Report sends out three types of emails: Credit Monitoring Alerts, General Messages and Monthly Notices. You will be automatically enrolled in all email communication and can easily unselect the specific email types you wish to not receive.
Credit Score and Report pulls in the information for the individual who is enrolled in MyJFG. Each MyJFG login is tied to a single individual, even if you have access to the same bank accounts. To see your own unique credit information, you must have a separate MyJFG login. To enroll for MyJFG, please complete the MyJFG Enrollment process. Once enrolled, you will have access to your own credit score and report.
Overdraft Services
If your checking account doesn't have enough money to cover a withdrawal or purchase, an Overdraft Service automatically transfers money into your eligible checking account from your eligible linked account (provided there are funds available in the linked account).
Yes. A returned item is a check or other transaction that is not processed by the bank from which it was drawn. An item may be returned if it will cause the account to overdraw and there is not an Overdraft Service in place to cover it.
Using online and mobile banking is the best way is to ensure that you always have enough money in your account from the time a transaction is initiated until it posts to your account. There are steps you can take to help minimize the possibility of an overdraft, including:
- Downloading the Johnson Bank mobile app
- Tracking your balance
- Setting up alerts
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Your HSA account balance is easily accessed with MyJFG online or mobile banking. To learn more or to sign up, visit
Contributions can be made in the following manner:
- Employer Pre-Tax Contributions – Your employer may directly deposit funds to your Johnson Financial Group HSA account through payroll deduction.
- In Person Contributions – You or a family member can deposit funds to your HSA at any of our convenient branch locations.
- One-time IRA Distribution – You may make a one-time IRA distribution from your existing IRA into your HSA. This is referred to as a "qualified HSA funding distribution" and must be made directly by the financial institution of the IRA to Johnson Financial Group. The funds distributed must be from an IRA to an HSA owned by the individual who owns the IRA. HSA funding distributions are included in your total contribution amount for any given calendar year and you may not exceed the contribution limits. Contact a Johnson Financial Group advisor to initiate an IRA distribution to fund your Johnson Financial Group HSA.
Contributions can be made to your HSA up to April 15 or the tax return due date of the following tax year. For example, if you qualify for an HSA in 2020 you may deposit funds for that year until April 15, 2021. Generally contributions that are made between January 1 and April 15 for the previous year are called prior-year contributions. HSA owners must make a written election to treat a contribution as a prior-year contribution. If you are making a prior-year contribution, please see an advisor for assistance.
Any individual, including an eligible individual’s employer, may contribute to an HSA on behalf of an HSA owner.
The IRS is responsible for determining qualified medical expenses. For a list of qualified medical expenses, refer to IRS publication 502. It is the HSA owner’s responsibility to ensure the funds from the HSA are being used for qualified medical expenses. Copies of receipts for qualified medical expenses should be kept for tax and record keeping purposes.
If you use funds from your HSA account for something other than a qualified medical expense, the money is subject to income tax and a tax penalty if you are under age 65. If you are age 65 or older, the tax penalty does not apply. For a list of qualified medical expenses, refer to IRS publication 502.
While you will no longer be able to contribute additional funds to your HSA, you may continue to use the money already deposited to your HSA for qualified medical expenses.
Yes. You may appoint a POA on your HSA. Your POA would have access to your account and the ability to order a Johnson Financial Group HSA Debit Card. If you are interested in adding a Power of Attorney to your account, please contact an advisor.
At the time of account opening, you will name a beneficiary on your HSA. If your beneficiary is your spouse, the account will immediately become your spouse’s HSA. If your beneficiary is someone other than your spouse, the account ceases to be an HSA as of the date of your death. If you do not name a beneficiary, the funds in your HSA will go to your estate.
Johnson Financial Group will send the following tax forms to you and the IRS annually:
- 1099-SA – reports all distributions from your HSA
- 5498-SA – reports all contributions to your HSA
Debit Cards
You are able to activate your card by calling 866.392.9952.
When your card is misplaced or lost, we encourage you to contact your advisor or the Johnson Financial Group Customer Service Center at 888.769.3796. Your advisor will work with you to review your account history, close the card, and order you a new or replacement card.
Every time you use your card at a contactless or chip‐enabled terminal, your information is protected by creating a unique one‐time transaction code. The code is virtually impossible to counterfeit and helps reduce fraud on in‐person purchases.
You will receive a contactless card automatically when your current card expires.
Once you activate your new card, please destroy your existing card for security reasons.
You can use your debit card for in‐person or online purchases and ATM transactions.
It's quick and safe to make contactless purchases with your debit card. Find the contactless symbol at checkout. Simply tap your contactless debit card on the checkout terminal. Your payment is processed in seconds. If you select CREDIT, you may need to sign for your purchase.
It's easy to make purchases with your debit card. Simply insert the chip end of your card into the terminal with the chip facing up. Leave your chip card in the terminal and sign the receipt or enter the PIN to complete your transaction. Remove your card from the terminal when prompted and take your receipt. If you select CREDIT, you may need to sign for your purchase.
If a merchant isn't using a contactless or chip‐enabled terminal, you can still swipe your card. You will sign the receipt or enter the PIN to complete your purchase.
Yes. You can still use your card to get cash, check your balance and more. Be sure to insert the chip end of your card into the ATM with the chip facing up.
No. There are no additional fees to use your contactless card.
Mobile Wallet
Mobile payment technology can be used with these Johnson Financial Group cards: Johnson Financial Group Visa® Personal Debit, Business Debit, Health Savings Account and Line of Credit – Apple Pay™, Samsung Pay™, and Google Pay™ Johnson Financial Group Visa® Credit Cards – Apple Pay™, Samsung Pay™ and Google Pay™ Johnson Financial Group American Express® Credit Cards – Apple Pay™
To view the compatible devices for mobile payments visit: Apple Pay™ – Samsung Pay™ – Google Pay™ –
Mobile payments can be made with any merchant who can accept contactless payments.
Yes. You can make mobile payments internationally as long as the merchant can handle contactless payments.
For in‐store contactless payments you do not need to be connected to the internet.
Enrolling in Apple Pay is easy. If your card is already on‐file with Apple (iTunes) and is eligible for the service, you will be offered an option to use it as your default account for Apple Pay. You can add other cards and will be prompted for a one‐time entry of account details such as name, card number, expiration date, and the three digit card verification value that can be found on the back of your card. Johnson Bank and Apple will work behind the scenes to create a digital version of your account and enable you to start making payments with Apple Pay.
To add an eligible card on a compatible Samsung phone, open the Samsung Pay app and then tap ADD. When adding your card, you can choose to take a picture of your plastic card or manually enter your card information. For each card you add, you will need to enter your security code (the 4‐digit number on the front your card), billing address and accept the terms of use for Samsung Pay.
Most Android phones come with the application pre‐installed. If it is not, you can download it through Google Play Store. In the Google Pay app on your device, touch the + sign to add a credit or debit card to pay using your phone. Position your card in the camera frame to automatically enter your card information. Enter the security code found on your card and provide additional information as required. Accept the terms of service and set your screen lock. (Activating Device Administrator is part of the Google Pay setup process.) Follow any additional steps to verify your card.
For any new or replacement cards, you will need to go through the initial set up and provide the required details to add the card to your device and begin making mobile payments.
Any returns should be processed as they are done today. However, individual merchant return policies may vary.
Receipts should look the same as they always have. However, in some cases, receipts created from mobile payments may display the last four digits of your digital account which may differ from the last four digits of your physical card.
Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank accounts in the U.S., typically within minutes.1 With just an email address or U.S. mobile phone number, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of where they bank.2 Johnson Financial Group does not charge any fees to use Zelle® and can be accessed with MyJFG online and mobile banking.
Zelle® is a great way to send money to family, friends and others you trust.2
Since money is sent directly from your bank account to another person's bank account within minutes,1 it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.
Neither Zelle®, nor Johnson Financial Group, offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle - for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described as you expected. If you have never met the person or aren't sure you will get what you paid for, we recommend you do not use Zelle® as a payment.
You can send, request, or receive money with Zelle®. To get started, log into MyJFG online or mobile banking, select from the Menu, Transfers & Payments, and then select Send Money with Zelle®. Enter your email address or U.S. mobile phone number, receive a one‐time verification code, enter it, accept terms and conditions, and you're ready to start sending and receiving with Zelle®.
To send money using Zelle®, simply select someone from your existing Zelle® contacts (or add a trusted recipient's email address or U.S. mobile phone number), add the amount you'd like to send and an optional note, review, then hit “Send.” In most cases, the money is available to your recipient in minutes.1
To request money using Zelle®, choose “Request,” select the individual(s) from whom you'd like to request money, enter the amount you'd like to request, include an optional note, review and hit “Request.”3
To receive money, just share your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile phone number with a friend and ask them to send you money with Zelle®.
If you have already enrolled with Zelle®, you do not need to take any further action. The money will move directly into your bank account, typically within minutes.1
If you have not yet enrolled with Zelle®, follow these steps:
- Click on the link provided in the payment notification you received via email or text message.
- Select Johnson Financial Group.
- Follow the instructions provided on the page to enroll and receive your payment. Pay attention to the email address or U.S. mobile phone number where you received the payment notification—you should enroll with Zelle® using that email address or U.S. mobile phone number to ensure you receive your money.
You can find a full list of participating banks and credit unions live with Zelle® here.
If your recipient's bank isn't on the list, don't worry! The list of participating financial institutions is always growing, and your recipient can still use Zelle® by downloading theZelle® app for Android and iOS.
To enroll with the Zelle® app, your recipient will enter their basic contact information, an email address and U.S. mobile number, and a Visa® or Mastercard® debit card with a U.S. based account (does not include U.S. territories). Zelle® does not accept debit cards associated with international deposit accounts or any credit cards.
When you enroll with Zelle® through MyJFG, your name, the name of your bank, and the email address or U.S. mobile phone number you enrolled is shared with Zelle® (no sensitive account details are shared—those stay with Johnson Financial Group). When someone sends money to your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile phone number, Zelle® looks up the email address or mobile phone number in its “directory” and notifies Johnson Financial Group of the incoming payment. Johnson Financial Group then directs the payment into your bank account, all while keeping your sensitive account details private.
In order to use Zelle®, the sender and recipient's bank accounts must be based in the U.S.
If your recipient has not yet enrolled with Zelle®, the payment will remain pending and the money will not move from your account. If the recipient does not enroll within 14 days, the payment will expire, and the transaction will need to be made again.
If the person you sent money to has already enrolled with Zelle®, the money is sent directly to their bank account and cannot be canceled. This is why it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number when sending money.
If you sent money to the wrong person, we recommend contacting the recipient and requesting the money back. Neither Zelle®, nor Johnson Financial Group, offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle®.
Money sent with Zelle® is typically available to an enrolled recipient within minutes.1
If you send money to someone who isn't enrolled with Zelle®, they will receive a notification prompting them to enroll. After enrollment, the money will move directly to your recipient's account, typically within minutes.1
If your payment is pending, we recommend confirming that the person you sent money to has enrolled with Zelle® and that you entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.
If you're waiting to receive money, you should check to see if you've received a payment notification via email or text message. If you haven't received a payment notification, we recommend following up with the sender to confirm they entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.
Still having trouble? Please call the Johnson Financial Group Customer Support Center at 888.769.3796.
The short code for Zelle® notifications is 20736.
Your email address or U.S. mobile phone number may already be enrolled with Zelle® at another bank or credit union. If you receive a message that says you are already linked to a different financial institution, you'll need to choose to use a different email address or U.S. mobile phone number or transfer your email address or U.S. mobile phone number to MyJFG online or mobile banking. Zelle® only allows an email address or U.S. mobile phone number to be enrolled at one financial institution at a time. Please call the Johnson Financial Group Customer Support Center at 888.769.3796 for assistance.
Mobile Check Deposit
Most personal deposit accounts (checking, savings and money market) are eligible for Mobile Deposit A Check.
Yes. You will be limited to deposits of $6,000 per business day.
You will receive a notification by email when your deposit has been received and approved. If the deposit was declined, a reason will be provided.
If your deposit is received prior to 7:00 p.m. Central Time on a Business Day, the deposit will be processed on that same day. If your deposit is received on or after 7:00 p.m. Central Time or on a non‐Business Day, your deposit may not be processed until the next Business Day.
After you receive the Deposit Approval Notification via email, we recommend you securely store the original item for 10 Business Days after transmission to us. Promptly after the 10 Business Day retention period expires, you should destroy the original Item by first marking it VOID and then destroying it by cross‐cut shredding or another secure means of destruction. After destruction of the original Item, the image will be the sole evidence of the original Item.
If a deposit is returned, please do not re‐deposit the check with Mobile Deposit A Check. You will receive written communication from Johnson Financial Group if a deposit is returned.
You must download the Johnson Financial Group mobile app from Google Play™ or the Apple App Store. You also must have an iPhone, iPad or the Android phone to use Mobile Deposit. NOTE: Mobile Deposit is NOT available for Android Tablets at this time.
Bill Pay
To add a new payee within Johnson Financial Group mobile app, click on Menu, Transfer & Payments and Bill Pay. Within Bill Pay, select More and Add Payee.
To add a new payee within MyJFG online banking, click on the Left Hand Navigation Menu and select Transfers & Payments and Bill Pay. Within Bill Pay, select Pay Someone New.
Then, follow the remaining instructions to provide the details of your new payee.
Only you can authorize payments. You can tell us who, when and how much to pay. Payments are issued electronically or via paper checks, depending on what your payee accepts. Both electronic payments and paper checks always include remittance information, ensuring that your payee can accurately record that a payment has been received for your account.
To cancel a payment, click Cancel under Pending Payments. This must be done at least 24 hours before the payment is to be processed. In the Johnson Financial Group mobile app, choose the Recent icon, tap Bill Payments and choose the payment and tap Cancel.
Bill Pay is available through MyJFG online or mobile banking. From the Menu, select Transfers & Payments and then Bill Pay. First, you'll need to choose a primary funding account. Then you can begin adding your payees.
Updates can be made to your Bill Pay funding accounts from the Menu, Settings and Bill Pay Funding Accounts. To update your default funding account online go to Bill Pay, More and Funding Accounts. In the mobile app, go to Bill Pay, More, Visit Bill Pay, More and Funding Accounts.
No. The ability to directly place a stop payment on a bill payment in MyJFG is not available. To place a stop payment, contact the Johnson Financial Group Customer Support Center at 888.769.3796.
Yes. The maximum dollar amount per payment is $30,000, and the maximum amount per day for all combined payments is $50,000.
Yes. Payments can be made to government agencies. The following are examples of government agencies: • Municipalities • Student Loans • Court‐ordered payments. Although we offer this payment option, keep in mind that Johnson Financial Group has limited ability to research any problems with a payment made to a government agency, due to the government's strict adherence to the Consumer Privacy Act. Also keep in mind that these payments might not be processed by the government on a timely basis without the attachment of any required government forms.
You may choose to use Bill Pay to pay individuals and businesses, schedule a payment, pay someone who prefers an ACH or paper check, and send payments of a larger dollar amount.
You may prefer Zelle to pay your friends, family or someone your trust using their U.S. mobile phone number or email address, make payments of $750 or less and send money quickly.
No. Payments made using Bill Pay can only be sent within the United States.
Pop-up blockers in Safari and Firefox may prevent Bill Pay from displaying in MyJFG. Please review your settings or options to disable pop-up blockers for your browser.
Home Equity
Home equity is the value of your home that you actually own. In other words, it’s the value of your home, minus what you still owe.
With a home equity line of credit, you can borrow a certain percentage of your home’s equity as a line of credit. The line of credit is convenient. Borrow what you need, when you need it (up to your credit limit).
Interest on home equity loans or lines of credit may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor regarding tax deductibility.
If you’re changing jobs or planning to roll over your employer retirement plan, you can deposit your funds in another retirement plan or IRA within 60 days. Depending on your individual situation, you may have several options that allow you to keep the tax-deferred status of your retirement account.
Choosing to roll over your money directly to a traditional IRA means you’ll most likely avoid any tax implications while still enjoying the potential benefits of a tax deferred plan.
- Avoid tax implications and penalties
- Funds remain tax deferred
- Large selection of investment choices
Your former employer may allow you to keep your retirement plan in place. However, you won’t be able to make any additional contributions.
- Avoid tax implications and penalties
- Funds remain tax deferred
- Unable to make any additional contributions
- Choose to roll over your funds at a later date
You’ll want to know if your new employer accepts rollovers. The rollover keeps your retirement money in one account, which may make managing your money easier.
- Avoid tax implications and penalties
- Funds remain tax deferred
- Combine retirement funds and grow your money through continued contributions
- Follow new employer retirement plan guidelines
If you choose to take a cash out option, you need to be aware of the numerous drawbacks.
- Income taxes and penalties
- May push you into a higher tax bracket
- Lose all future tax-deferred compounding of your money
Estate Planning
If you do not have a will when you die, the state, by law, dictates where your property goes. These laws are referred to as intestacy laws.
Without a Financial Power of Attorney, financial decisions cannot be made until someone (presumably a family member) retains an attorney and petitions the court to appoint a guardian of your estate.
Without a Healthcare Power of Attorney, healthcare decisions cannot be for you until someone (presumably a family member) retains an attorney and petitions the court to appoint a guardian of the person for you.
A revocable trust is subject to change or amendment; an irrevocable trust cannot be amended.
Property owned by your revocable trust is not protected from your creditors, including a nursing home.
When you leave your property in a trust for your children, the trust can be designed to protect the property from your children’s creditors, including a divorcing spouse.
A family mission statement is a critical document to communicate your wishes and beliefs to key decision makers. It can help ensure that they will make the same decisions you would make if you were here. Do you need one? No. Do you want one? Without question.
Commercial Real Estate
A commercial real estate broker is a type of professional who has been licensed to help various clients buy, sell or lease real estate properties. These properties are generally used for commercial purposes. If someone wants to use a property for their home, they will need to seek out a residential real estate broker instead. An easy way to understand what a commercial real estate broker does is to imagine that they are the “middle man” between a business and a property or building they want to purchase for their business.
A commercial real estate loan is a type of mortgage loan that has been secured by a lien (legal right) on property for commercial purposes. These loans are used to allow businesses to make a larger transaction and purchase of commercial real estate for their business. Property that has been purchased for commercial intent is usually sold to entities (corporations, partnerships, developers, trusts, funds, etc.), rather than individuals. Commercial real estate loans can last, on average, anywhere between five and twenty years, which is much shorter than its residential counterpart, which is often times a thirty year period. The amortization period of a commercial real estate loan can also be longer than the term length of the loan itself. This structures the loan in a way that allows commercial entities to make payments for a shorter period of time at rates designed for longer terms. At the end of the loan, a final “balloon payment” will be made to complete the loan’s repayment.
Commercial real estate brokerage can be compared to investment banking, but for commercial properties. A commercial real estate brokerage is a team of individuals who are part of a firm that connects property sellers with property buyers. Brokers who have helped with a commercial real estate transaction will take a percentage of the deal, known as a commission. There are a lot of factors and variables that are involved with being able to connect the perfect buyers to specific pieces of property, which is why real estate brokers are so important and valuable in the real estate world, both commercial and residential. As a seller of commercial real estate, a brokerage has a network of individuals and firms to work with that can connect you to potential buyers. As a buyer of commercial real estate, a brokerage has a list of property sellers who can be recommended for your commercial entity or business.
Commercial real estate lending is the process in which a buyer of commercial property acquires financing or mortgages necessary to make the property purchase. Without commercial real estate lending, a potential buyer would need to have all of the funds necessary to purchase the property. Instead, commercial real estate lending allows businesses and commercial entities to acquire financing (like a loan) to purchase their property and pay the lender back over time.
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